- Art World Dream
- Alternative Strategies for Working Artists
- By Eric Rudd ©
- $19.95 (Priority Mail and Handling: $5)
- Contact: Cire Corporation-Publisher,
Historic Beaver Mill, 189 Beaver Street, North Adams, MA 01247; Tel.
800.689.0978 Orders: contact@cirecorp.com
- You can have
your art and eat, too! This is a book of good advice from an experienced
artist. Rudd is a well-known sculptor and mixed media artist; and for ten
years directed the Contemporary Artists Center, a not-for-profit artists'
studio residency and exhibition facility in Massachussetts. He tells you
how he got where he is, and how you too can manage your life so that you
can live your dreams as an artist.
- Art Studio/Loft Manual
- For Ambitious Artists and Creators
- By Eric Rudd ©
- $19.95 (Priority Mail and Handling: $5)
- Contact: Cire Corporation-Publisher,
Historic Beaver Mill, 189 Beaver Street, North Adams, MA 01247; Tel.
800.689.0978 Orders: contact@cirecorp.com
- Order at
- Another
helpful resource from Eric Rudd. Here he offers practical tips on getting
and financing work space. You'll learn Real Estate and legal issues and
how to manage them, how to find money to pay for your space, how to fix up
your space on the cheap, and more. You'll get 40 photographs and
illustrations to help guide you. If you're up for the practical challenges
involved, you'll thank Mr. Rudd for this guide.
- A Portrait of Northern Berkshires. North
Adams, Adams and Williamstown
- By Eric Rudd ©;
Photography by Kelly Lee ©
- Contact: Cire Corporation-Publisher,
Historic Beaver Mill, 189 Beaver Street, North Adams, MA 01247; Tel.
800.689.0978 Orders: contact@cirecorp.com
- The northern Berkshires offer a
combination of natural beauty, historic charm, and the transformation of
the industrial past into acclaimed art museums and cultural activity. Special feature: Pictures and text showcasing one of the
most interesting and successful collections of artist lofts and art spaces
outside a major city.
- The Day Something
Strange Happened in Sayulita
- (publishing date –
Spring 2007)
- Text and Illustrations By Eric Rudd ©
- A children’s story, set in a small Mexican
village on the pacific coast; with lots of color (photo-drawings)
- The Slums of Heaven (A
- By Eric Rudd
- (publishing date – TBA)
- Movie and Publishing Rights; contact Eric
Rudd, 189 Beaver Street, North Adams, MA 01247 Tel. 800.689.0978
- Stimulus: Life is a miracle. From
primordial seas to dining at a trendy new restaurant in the city,
evolution is truly remarkable. The vast majority of Americans believe in
life after death, but ask them for a description of Heaven, and everyone
- Story: An adventure story of epic
proportions, The Slums of Heaven is the story of one man’s journey
into a real Heaven. But Heaven is changing! As the earth’s dying
population in huge proportions threatens Heaven’s existence, the
characters are swept into the dramatic events are they unfold.
Film script under development.
- The Circumstances of My Life (A
- By
Eric Rudd
- (publishing date – TBA)
This is a romantic tale about a young writer, born with disadvantages, who experiences love, success, and tragedy. As he maneuvers through life’s complexities and circumstances in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, Los Angeles, the island of Phu Quoc, Vietnam, and the small beach village of Sayulita, Mexico, he is watched over by his mentor, actor Dustin Hoffman.
- Film script under development.
- The Last North Adams Breakfast Club (Short Storyl)
- By
Eric Rudd
- (publishing date – TBA)
Seven people meet for their bi-monthly breakfast under very unusual circumstances.
- Plays
- Wet Paint
- By Eric Rudd ©
- (1999- Three Acts; the play is available
for theaters and theater school departments)
- Contact Rudd Studio, 189 Beaver Street,
North Adams, MA 01247 Tel. 800.689.0978
- Performance Fee: $100.00 (for up to 2 week
- This is a Cinderella type story about the
New York world of contemporary art – including artists, collectors,
models, dealers, museum directors, art students - and how one deserving
artist becomes recognized, with help from his actor friend, by using the
wheeling and dealing of art to promote his goals. During the play, a
contemporary masterpiece is created in front of the audience.
- William Shakespeare’s
- A New Play By Nikolai
Rudd and Eric Rudd ©
- (publishing date – Summer 2007)
- Contact Rudd Studio, 189 Beaver Street,
North Adams, MA 01247 Tel. 800.689.0978
- Performance Fee: $100.00 (for up to 2 week
- Synopsis: Spain, late 1400s; the king is
dead; two half brothers vie for the throne. A not-so-subtle parody on the
Florida presidential election scandal. Written in Shakespearean verse.
Published version with illustrations.
- The Empresses’ Clothes
(2006; A short one-act play or script for a film short)
- By Eric Rudd ©
- Contact Rudd Studio, 189 Beaver Street,
North Adams, MA 01247 Tel. 800.689.0978
- Live Performance Fee: $25.00 (for up to 2
week run)
- 2 male, 3 female actors; some nudity.
- A light beam hits a man waiting for the
next commuter train and he can see people without their clothes on. They
think he’s a pervert.
- Mass Murderer (11
minutes - 2005)
- Written & Directed by
Eric Rudd ©; Filming & Editing by David Lachman
- Contact Rudd Studio, 189 Beaver Street,
North Adams, MA 01247 Tel. 800.689.0978
- Showing Fee: None; copy of DVD $25.00 plus
- A violent beginning leads to a dramatic
twist ending – the film anticipated the controversy over violent video
games and Pat Robertson’s suggestion that ‘we can assassinate whomever we
want to.’
Film Scripts for Sale
- The Slums of Heaven (A
- By Eric Rudd
- Under production: Available for film
production; script and sequels currently under construction.
- For Movie Rights, contact Rudd Studio, 189
Beaver Street, North Adams, MA 01247 Tel. 800.689.0978
- William Shakespeare’s
‘FLORIDA’- A New Play
- By Nikolai Rudd and
Eric Rudd ©
- Available for film production.
- For Movie Rights, contact Rudd Studio, 189
Beaver Street, North Adams, MA 01247 Tel. 800.689.0978